
本篇论文目录导航:  【题目】影响初中生数学反思能力的因素探究  【绪论 第二章】数学解题反思素养的相关理论探索  【第三章】初中数学解题反思能力的实践研究  【第四章】初中生数学解题反思研究的结论  【第五章】对初中生数学解题反思能力研究反思  【参考文献】如何提升初中数学反思能力参考文献     摘要     数学家乔治波利亚说过:数学问题的解决仅仅只是一半,更重要的是解题之后的反思.可以看出解题进行反思的重要性。本人在平时的教学中,经常会发现有些学生对讲过的题目还是做不出来;或者总是对同几个题目犯错;讲过,强调过的地方经常犯错;上课时听老师讲时听得懂,但是自己做又不知怎么做等情况。这些情况引起了我的思考,为了解决这一现象,本人开展了本课题研究,本课题主要是对初中生数学解题反思能力进行研究。    本研究研究问题。初中生数学学习的现状如何?初中生数学解题反思能力的认知有哪些?初中生数学解题反思能力有哪些特点?影响初中生反思能力形成与发展的因素有哪些?教学应该如何调整,从而帮助初中生突破这些认知困难,提高数学解题反思能力,从而提高数学成绩?    本研究按照以下过程展开。根据研究问题进行文献研究;编制问卷,对两个实验班进行了现状调查,旨在了解目前学生解题进行反思的状况;调查完进行定量与定性分析,决定从课堂上着手,对两个实验班实施不同的教学方法,一个班进行传统的教学方法,另一个班进行反思性教学法,研究方法为实验研究法,同时,把一学期中每次月考成绩记录下来进行定量分析与定性分析,定量分析基于SPSS17.0及Excel软件,定性分析基于访谈记录与数学反思日记。一学期结束后,再对这两个班进行一次问卷调查,比较实验前调查的结果,进行定量与定性分析,得出结论,得到启示。    本研究的主要结论。因为数学解题反思能力的提高直接影响学生解题能力的提高,而解题能力的提高又直接体现在数学成绩的提高上,所以本课题主要是以数学成绩是否提高去衡量学生解题反思能力是否提高。同时,除了成绩解题反思能力的变化也影响着学生数学的兴趣,自信心和对数学考试的压力。故实践研究得到的结论有:① 短期传统教学法和反思性教学法对数学成绩的总体水平的影响没有显着性差异,但对高分、低分的分布有积极的影响;② 反思数学的兴趣和缓解考试压力没有直接影响或影响不大;③ 反思数学学习自信心的增减是有一定影响,能提高学生的独立思考意识,有利于培养学生的学习主见性和预见能力。    本研究启示。暴露思维法由于是一种教师思维过程的呈现,它不是学生的思维方式,因此学生要接受和掌握它有一定的困难,需要一个适应的过程,也需要教师更耐心的引导和细心的示范;此外,为了能更好的监控、评价和指导学生进行反思,提高反思性教学的质量和体现其价值,在研究研究的样本不应过大,否则就难以充分地对每个学生心理和思维过程进行观察、评价与指导。    关键词: 解题反思解题反思能力初中生数学    Abstract    The mathematician George Polya said:The solution to the problem of mathematics is onlyhalf the problem. More important is to solve the problem after the reflection .So the mostimportant thing is the reflection after solving the problem. In the course of teaching, I often findsome students can't solve the problem after class or make the same mistakes over and over again.Sometimes they can understand and solve the problems in class with the teacher's help, but theycan't do the same by themselves after class. These things stimulate the thinking of me. In order tosolve this phenomenon, we carried out this research.    The questions of this research. What is the current situation of junior high school students'mathematics learning? What are the cognitive abilities of junior middle school students' reflectiveability in mathematics problem solving? What are the characteristics of junior middle schoolstudents' reflective ability in solving mathematics problem solving? What are the factors thataffect the formation and development of reflective ability of junior middle school students? Howshould we adjust the teaching to help junior middle school students to break through thesecognitive difficulties and improve the ability to solve problems in mathematics problem—solving?Then we can help them improve their math.    The research was carried out with the following procedures. According to the researchquestions, the questionnaire survey was carried out to investigate the current situation of thestudents' problem—solving. After investigating the situation of the students' problem—solving, wedetermine to use different teaching methods in two experimental classes. One is traditionalteaching method, and the other is reflective teaching method. At the same time, we doquantitativeanalysis and qualitative analysis according to the grades of the tests every month. The quantitativeanalysis is based by SPSS17 and Excel. The qualitative analysis is based by the Interview recordand the diaries of the reflective teaching. At the end of the semester, a questionnaire survey wasconducted on these two classes. We can compare the results of the investigation before the experiment with the results of the investigation after the experiment. Then we do the quantitativeand qualitative analysis. We can draw conclusions to get inspiration.    The main conclusions of this research. Because the improvement of the reflective abilityaffects the ability of solving the problem, the improvement of the ability of solving problems isdirectly reflected in the improvement of the performance of mathematics. At the same time, thechange in problem—solving ability is also affecting the students' interest in mathematics,self—confidence and the pressure on the math test. Therefore, there are no significant differences inthe overall level of mathematics achievement. However, there is a positive effect on thedistribution of mathematics achievement. The reflection on the interest of mathematics and therelief of test pressure have little influence on the increase or decrease.    Enlightenment of this research. Exposure thinking method is a kind of teacher's thinkingprocess, it is not a student's thinking mode. So if you want students to accept and grasp its certaindifficulties, teachers need a suit of process, more patient guidance and careful demonstration. Inaddition, in order to monitor, evaluate and guide students to reflect, improve the quality ofreflective teaching and reflect its value better, the number of sample students in the researchshould not be too large. Otherwise it is difficult for us to to observe, evaluate and guide eachstudent's psychology and thinking process.    Key Words: The reflection of solving problems; problem solving reconsidering ability;mathematics; action research    目录    摘要    Abstract    目录    1绪论    1.1课题缘起  1.2课题研究的方法和意义  1.2.1课题研究的方法  1.2.2课题研究的意义    2数学解题反思能力的相关理论探索    2.1数学反思数学反思能力  2.1.1数学反思  2.1.2数学反思能力  2.1.3初中生数学反思能力的一般特点  2.1.4影响初中生反思能力形成与发展的因素    3初中生数学解题反思能力的实践研究    3.1研究的理论依据  3.1.1反思  3.1.2反思性教学  3.2调查问卷的设计与内容  3.3实践研究的过程  3.4研究过程中的实验设计  3.4.1实验假设  3.4.2实验样本  3.4.3变量的设计  3.4.4结果分析  3.5教学实验的具体操作    4初中生数学解题反思能力研究的结论    4.1初中生数学解题反思能力研究的结论一  4.2初中生数学解题反思能力研究的结论二  4.2.1两班数学成绩的对比与分析  4.2.2问卷调查的统计结果分析    5对初中生数学解题反思能力研究反思    5.1对培养过程的反思  5.1.1本次实验研究过程中主要遇到的问题  5.1.2对本次实验研究过程中的反思与调整  5.2实践研究中的启示  5.2.1暴露思维过程的教学实践中的启示  5.2.2真实性评估实施过程中的启示  5.2.3反思任务落实与完成情况的启示  5.2.4对研究本身的控制的思考    主要参考文献    致谢。



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