
【摘要】   目的优化大蓟中总黄酮提取工艺;考察药材粉碎度、提取时间、料液比的最佳条件。方法采用超声提取法、正交实验法,以分光光度法测定提取物中总黄酮的含量。结果确定了最佳工艺条件,40℃下采用80%甲醇超声提取,料液比1∶10,粉碎度60目,超声提取时间3h。结论用上述方法可优化提取工艺

【关键词】 大蓟 超声提取 提取工艺 正交实验。

Abstract:ObjectiveTo explore an optimum extraction technology of the total flavones in the Cirsium japonicum DC. and to investigate the optimum condition of the particle size of Cirsium japonicum DC., extraction time, ratio of liquor to material.Methods The total flavones in the Cirsium japonicum DC. was extracted by ultrasonic method, the conditions were optimized by the orthogonal experiment and the content of total flavones was determined by UV. ResultsThe optimum extraction was determined as follows: the particle size 60 screen mesh, ratio of liquor to material was 1∶10 at 40℃ for 3 hours with 80% ethanol.ConclusionExtraction technology can be optimized by the above—mentioned methods.

Key words:Cirsium japonicum DC.; Ultrasonic extraction; Extraction technology; Orthogonal experiment。

大蓟为菊科(Compositae)管状花亚科菜蓟族(Cynareae)蓟属植物Cirsium japonicum DC.的干燥地上部分或根[1],其味甘、苦,性凉,归心肝经。多年生宿根草本,我国大部分地区均有分布。大蓟为中医临床常用之凉血止血药[2],还有抗菌、抗肿瘤、降压、升压、降低脂质过氧化物形成、促进脂肪代谢等作用[3,4],其中黄酮类成分为主要活性成分[5,6]。本工艺采用正交设计实验优选大蓟中总黄酮提取工艺

1 仪器与材料。

1.1 仪器


1.2 材料。


2 方法与结果。

2.1 标准曲线制备精密称取50.5 mg芸香苷干燥品,用甲醇定容至100 ml容量瓶中。分别移取0.0,2.0,2.5,3.0,3.5,4.0,4.5,5.0 ml于50 ml容量瓶中,各加5%亚硝酸钠2 ml,混匀,放置6 min,加10%硝酸铝溶液2 ml,摇匀放置6 min,加4%氢氧化钠溶液20 ml,摇匀放置6 min,用60%甲醇定容至刻度,于500 nm处测定吸光度,计算得回归方程Y=12.171X—0.017,r=0.999 2,线性范围为0.020 2~0.050 5 mg/ml。

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