
本篇论文目录导航:【题目】 城镇化环境下东平县村干部队伍构建探究【第一章】新形势下农村干部队伍建设研究绪论【第二章】城镇化东平县村干部队伍现状及影响【3.1】村干部队伍建设存在的问题【3.2】农村基层干部队伍建设困境的原因分析【第四章】加强村干部队伍建设的几点建议【结论/参考文献城镇化东平县村干部任用培训研究结论与参考文献   摘 要    2015 年中央一号文件《关于加大改革创新力度加快农业现代化建设的若干意见》强调,必须始终坚持把解决好三农问题作为全党工作的重中之重,靠改革添动力,以法治作保障,加快推进中国特色农业现代化。







2006 年取消农业税后,村干部的角色和职能都发生了转变,从主要从事行政性工作的政府代理人转变为主要从事经济和服务性工作的村民当家人,这一转变过程中,村干部中出现了诸如因无固定经济来源而走读的现象,村干部能力不能适应新形势变化的问题,村两委关系不协调的问题后备干部队伍人才相对短缺等问题


关键词:城镇化村干部队伍建设    Abstract    Document NO.1 of the Central Government in 2015, the Several Suggestions of Enhancing Strengthof Reformation and Agricultural Modernization, stresses that we must stick to solve the issues ofagriculture, farmer and rural area in the work of the Communist Party, depending on reformation and ruleof law to promote agricultural modernization with Chinese characteristics. Rural area is the key of thisissues. So as leaders of rural area, the basic officers in our country play important roles of the reformingdevelopment in villages. During the process of rural urbanization, village cadres is the direct pushers andpractitioners who are not only leaders about administering rural area, but also be bellwethers in helpingvillager get rich. With quickening the process, villages have hugely turn, taking on the new look.    However, there are a series of sensitive problems, such as land acquisition, removing. Those issues mayinfluence the process of rural urbanization, if they are not handled by the authorities. What's worst, thetough problems may lead to unexpectedly mass disturbances which influence the relationship betweencadres and the masses or have an bad impression on the Party. In fact, cadres are the link among the Party,governments at all level and masses. Then, they ought to try their best to coordinate every aspects at work,to sustain the whole situation about development in rural society. Therefore, during the background ofrural urbanization, how to strength the teams of village cadres is both a theoretical topic and practicallyhot button.    After canceling agricultural taxes and fees, the roles and functions of leaders has great turn that theyworked on daily administration in the past, but now they engage in service about villagers. Nevertheless,those changes cause a number of economic problems of cadres in rural areas, such as the inharmoniousrelationship of village party branch and village committee, the lack of back—up cadres. Hence, this thesismakes the case of county:Dongping. And it introduces the measures of selecting village cadres, training,supervising management, guaranteeing encouragement. Accordingly, we investigates the eminentproblems of building teams of village cadres by a questionnaire survey and discussion, analyzing thereasons gradually. Finally, with combined with practical situation, we bring forward the correspondingsolutions.    Key words: urbanization, teams of village cadres, the construction  目 录    摘 要    Abstract    一、绪 论    (一)研究目的和意义    1.研究目的    2.研究意义    (二)论文结构    (三)国内外研究现状    1.国外研究现状    2.国内研究现状    (四)研究方法    1.问卷调查    2.访谈法    3.文献研究法    4.案例分析法    (五)核心概念与理论基础    1.核心概念    2.理论基础    二、城镇化背景下东平县村干部队伍现状及影响    (一)东平县概况    (二)东平县村干部队伍现状    1.东平县现任村干部队伍现状    2.东平县后备村干部队伍现状    (三)城镇化对农村干部队伍的影响    1.城镇化的推进使农村优秀人才短缺    2.城镇化的推进使农村干部失去职务吸引力    ( )城镇化背景下东平县加强村干部队伍建设采取的措施    1.选拔产生    2.教育培训    3.监督管理    4.保障激励    三、城镇化背景下村干部队伍建设问题及原因    (一)存在的问题    1、有些村班子战斗力不足,服务能力有待提升    2、个别村干部走读,没有足够精力处理村级事务    3、对村干部队伍监管力度不足,村干部行为不够规范    4、后备人选储备不足,储用脱节的问题突出    (二)原因分析    1、村干部职能无法充分发挥    2、村干部工作积极性不高    3、村干部队伍监督管理机制不完善    4、后备干部选拔培养难    四、加强村干部队伍建设的几点建议    (一)选优配强班子    (二)注重加强村干部教育培训    (三)健全村干部保障激励机制    (四)加强监督监管,规范村干部行为    (五)完善后备干部队伍选拔培养机制    五、结 论    参考文献    致 谢返回本篇论文导航。

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